Astrological Chart
Natal Chart
An Astrological Chart is like a blueprint. It finely details your entire personality. Just like in a blueprint, there are houses. Each of the 12 houses represent a collection of unique aspects. For instance, one house describes your family, and another gives light to relationships. This "blueprint" contains an overwhelming amount of information, and it's all based on your birth.
Maggie casts a chart using a birthday, along with the time and the place. This information leads her to the rest of the necessary data - the very placement of the heavenly bodies. From there, she carefully lays out each data set, piece by piece. It's crucial to be absolutely accurate, otherwise you'll get an incorrect, and distorted image - essentially a completely different person. Maggie erases doubt by doing every single chart by hand. An Astrological Chart is the product of hard work, and keen intuition. The first part involves the chart itself, and the second part is the meeting. She will eagerly describe every aspect of the chart in detail, along with her impressions and insights. Please contact Maggie if you're interested.
No wonder I brought my books and papers to the hospital each time I had a baby. I absolutely insisted. After my baby was born, and I was wheeled back to my room, I immediately began to cast my new baby's chart. It was a lot of fun to see what little treasure was now in my care.