Confidence will attract – sometimes lots of attraction and sometimes resentment.
Those less confident are likely to be more resentful, not always, but most have experienced resentment on the part of those less capable and aware of their lack around those who are confident. Many men feel the need to project confidence – to be a man! The only problem with this is, when the attracted gets close, the chinks, the cracks in the facade become obvious.
Real confidence does not emanate jealousy, insecurity or hostility. Real confidence has no need to criticize to feel great.
Lack of confidence causes so many issues in relationships, be it love, work, or any other.
Getting along with others can be difficult without confidence. Suspecting the worst of others or always finding fault demonstrates not much confidence. Real confidence attracts great, good people, not pretentious fawners. When it comes down to it, people are attracted to confident partners who come in all shapes and sizes. Confidence is sexy!
Now those tough boys, pretend tough boys, who swagger are rarely confident. They feel if they move or look a certain way, they will attract women. They do. But those women will soon find out that there’s no real confidence. In order for these fake fellows to feel good, someone needs to feel bad. It won't be them but those close to them, like girlfriends. Just like women, men are attracted by confidence. It is sexy, magnetic, alluring. Both sexes are attracted by confidence. Being the real deal is another thing. Feeling good about yourself is the inner guide to confidence. Long term attractions will not happen when the confidence is not real. Chronic anger, jealousy, hostility, suspicion are not the signs of a confident, balanced person.
Attraction between the sexes has always been based on the confidence you exude or not. Confident people exude a great energy that the fakers cannot project long term because it’s only a facade. “Fake it until you make it” is a common saying. Fake it while you WORK on making it. Be grateful for who you are. Explore your talents, passions and abilities, learned and unlearned. Be grateful to be you and appreciate others. That is the best way to appreciate others, to be happy to be you.
There are always things you wish you could change about yourself. That's being human. However, concentrate on the best of you, eliminate what you don't like about yourself if it involves moods or being ungenerous. “Accentuate the positive” as the old song says. Be positive, see life as a miracle, an adventure, exciting. Feel lucky to have a roof, friends, job, and a life of so many possibilities. Believe that anything is possible and anything will be. Laugh often. We love you all for trying and being the best you can be.
When I am around fearful, depressed, sad, angry, hostile people, this is what I do. I visualize a white light going through me and around me, like a cocoon. In this way, I can feel what is going on, but I won't feel sad, angry, depressed or hostile. I would like to say that I do this all the time, but I don't. If I know ahead of time, for instance if I’m entering a possibly haunted house, then I am very conscious of the need for protection. Everyday outings, I rarely think of my powerful white light.
When I was a family support worker, I met with clients, social workers, supervisors, doctors, psychologists, lawyers etc. Any meeting involving clients and any of the above meant I walked in there prepared. So often there were five or more individuals around a table or a board room. Before I entered the room, I had done my yoga, a qi-jong exercise and an angel reading. When I walked in, I would light the room and send love to everyone there. When I sent love to those who were not operating from their hearts but their egos, they acted up. I saw a few social workers jump up, bang the table, yell, go from professional to freaking out. This was all done in front of their supervisors. There were a lot of surprised reactions. I remained calm and spoke from my heart. It was easy for me since I was sending love. What was I going to get back? Every bit of support I needed was there from my boss. I can imagine those who freaked out and were seen by their bosses were not in the same position I was. Thinking is so important. However, what you think about really counts. If you are constantly worried, guess what happens to you? Your worst fears come true. Stop. Change your thinking. Have dreams, think about the best outcome. Don't think you are tempting fate to think POSITIVELY. You will make your own life way more fun, better with the less fear you have. When you feel scared, change your thinking to make yourself happy. What makes you feel happy, joyful, excited, thrilled? Do it. Paint, dance, cook, sing, sew, build etc. Your thoughts will change and you will become more creative. Being more creative, leads to being more creative as you feel happy, excited etc. There is no room for the negative. Astrologically, some people seem more prone to seeing what is wrong. Sometimes they never get to appreciating what is right and great. Misery loves company. That is so true. Do you enjoy hanging around those who love to complain? It’s easy to get sucked in, to join the bitching. This is different from seeing what is wrong and fixing it. Often lots of conversations with yourself or others can be a big help. Chronic complaining is so different. The complainer develops a negative energy. I can feel it, you can feel it. Often the body posture is not straight, slightly stooped. Who enjoys visiting such a person? Daily? Working with people who are resentful, angry, hostile, critical, depressed or constantly sad is a chore. Having to visit someone like this would have me “gird my loins” to prepare for such a visit. So, I do my best not to be around people like this too often. The energy we project out to the world tells the world about us. What we think about most, shows. Mark Twain said something like what a man is like on the inside will show on the outside by the time he is forty. This goes for a woman too. Good looks will only look good for so long. I have seen, beautiful women with hard hearts, angry, judgmental or arrogant look terrific at 25, but by the time 40 hits, they don't look so appealing. The hardness shows. They look arrogant and judgmental. They can still be attractive, but a lot less so now, the hardness deters me from wanting any interaction. Several years ago, I did angel readings for a spring festival at a spa in Edmonton. There was music, twins in stilts, food, candles and Christmas lights everywhere. People were talking, laughing and moving, swaying to the music. I did so many readings in the relative darkness, that my right hand become quite tired. I did back to back readings for about six hours. I felt joyful, happy, and I loved it. Of all the women I did readings for that night, two of them stand out. Both of them were in their fifties, but they glowed. These gals emanated goodness, compassion and kindness. Their energy almost brought me to tears while I was writing down the words the angels whispered in my ears. When I drove a school bus, I would hear the same drivers complain on the radio. The same ones had problems all the time, with angry students, parents or other drivers. Once in a while is expected, but daily? What I project to the world, I get back. I understand that. If would be so helpful if everyone knew that. November 14, 2015 Question: Some sort of terrorist attacks in Paris yesterday – can I get some answers on what to do? Answer: We are here, of course, never left so much turmoil, so much of it deliberately orchestrated as this latest demonstration will yield. Thank you angels
My Dad used to go out after work sometimes with his co-workers. He really lost a lot of respect for people who were cheap. Sometimes these guys would leave the table when they knew the bill was coming, always the same cheap guys.
I worked in a few bars and hotels in Toronto during the seventies. When someone walked in, I could feel if they were tippers. Any group of guys would take turns buying rounds, but the cheap guys would go the washroom when it was their turn to ante up. When I got to the table to collect, the men would say, "Hey where's Joe or John?" or whoever. Someone would say that Joe was watering a horse and the other guys would start to dig in their pockets. I would stop them and ask if Joe did this a lot. If there were all nods, I just smiled and said, "I will return!" When Joe returned, I would walk up to him, tell him what the tab was and wait. The rest of the table would be laughing, sometimes out loud and sometimes stifling the laughter as Joe began turning his pockets out to pay the bill. If Joe didn't tip, the rest of the group hounded him until he reluctantly forked over a tip. I did this quite a few times when I encountered cheapskates. I bet Joe thought no one noticed why he always left. People who are never generous with money, are rarely generous with anyone at any level. I am not talking about poor students or financially strapped souls. There are also some generous people who have strings attached, so maybe not so generous. Some good hearted people never believe in lending, yet feel guilty when they don't. Someone told them to never lend, it makes enemies out of friends, but depending on what it is, a lack of generosity can make enemies too. Lack of generosity can make enemies out of anyone, never mind if it's money, a second chance, a helping hand or a judgement of some sort... Going away from the heart really causes problems, short and long run. So stay with the heart. Say no when you feel it in your heart, not your mind - don't get logical. If you know you're going to kick yourself after, don't do it. Don't get taken advantage (and you can always feel that), your heart won't let you, your head will. I worked as a family support worker for years in Edmonton. Most of my clients were poor and lived in poor areas. There were times I locked myself out of my car, had a flat tire, or had trouble starting my car - help always arrived within minutes. Sometimes a client, but often a stranger would stop and offer help, accept no money, fix my problem and saunter away. I would rather get stuck in a poor area anytime. They were always so polite too. I know that if I had been stuck in a rich area, I would still be waiting! These are my reasons for leaving a (bad) relationship:
1. Laughing. I am not LAUGHING anymore, and I begin to notice that I'm more serious, definitely a bad sign. 2. I feel worse about myself when I'm with this person. If this continued, I realized I had to leave. Emotional support is essential. There have been men who thought what I did was ridiculous. No support for being me or following my heart. 3. Control. People control out of fear. It manifests in anger - passive or active, it's still there. My freedom is important to me. Of course control results in tenseness. and again, having to live up to the expectations other people had for me led me to break free. Sometimes it was simple to see, their mothers were different than I was, cooking, talking, interests etc. I wasn't even the same as my mother. Despite growing up in the sixties and seventies, some of my men were definitely "Mad Men" with expectations. 4. Jealousy. I decided a long time ago that if I had a reason to be jealous, it was time to go. If I did not have a reason to be jealous, then it was time to go. Once, I had a boyfriend who did his best to make me jealous. When I realized that, it was only a matter of time before I realized he was fooling around. Don't be jealous and do not stick around with a jealous mate, your life will be miserable. Who wants that? 5. Sex. If a relationship has other problems, such as anger or other forms of control, sex can become a duty and something to avoid. This was easy to notice. If the interest in sex really waned, I could feel myself emotionally detach. A strong sexual attraction with a negative, depressed or angry partner makes it harder to go. When the sex is not that great and the rest of relationship was a mess, it was easier to go. Feel free to add your own, those are my reasons. Don't pick on the weakest. Help them. We can help make them strong by being ourselves.
Weak people are never themselves. They show fear through anger, bragging, and fighting. If you feel you have to prove yourself to others, you haven't proven it to yourself. Be yourself, follow your heart. Sing, laugh, dance, those things are good for the soul. Some people are bullies with their bodies, some are bullies with their words. BUT bullies are bullies, not strong, but weak. |
Maggie Yanor
Follow your heart... Archives
May 2017