Some sort of terrorist attacks in Paris yesterday – can I get some answers on what to do?
We are here, of course, never left so much turmoil, so much of it deliberately orchestrated as this latest demonstration will yield.
This is not a few wing-nuts who were terribly organized, not, this was a deliberate attempt to de-stabilize a country not falling into line with what they were told to do. It’s a good thing to know what is right and good and kind – those puppeteers want to control many. Most leaders to follow the agenda of culling the population – a big push to quell to rebels among the world – results will be disastrous if the rebels don’t rebel against tyranny.
That is the time to be a rebel. There are powers that want all the money with none of the people – ways to get that are through armament and then wars – made a boatload of money and then kill those who have been sold the goods or drugs – drugs are expensive, bad air, bad water, bad food causes bad health – bad health equals lots of drugs bought and sold – of course that also increases the drug users (legal or not) choices of dying. Can you not notice deaths per year from war, from drugs – all orchestrated – wars are planned and initiated – bring the power in the hands of the few – quiet all dissenters. Keep fear out in front to immolate the rebels who smell a rat.
Paris is one big rat – who gains with this manipulated insurrection. The real people are not involved so there will be more rules, more restrictions, more clamping down so that the average citizen is afraid to think for herself.
The biggest way is to keep people fearful – so easy to be manipulated that pretty soon no one knows what her heart is telling her and will go along with the rest of the sheep being herded for slaughter.
Follow your heart, quiet your mind, listen to you. You know what’s best for you. Strangers do not. You will always know what’s best for you but not if you are disconnected – all of you are one – connected. There is no them or we – all of you need to follow your heart and help each other to be less afraid – “no fear”. Stop chronic news watching. Pay attention – these puppeteers are like magicians. “Look over here” and you look but miss the trick – you don’t notice why.
Who gets to win? Who makes the money? A common saying is “Follow the money”. It’s the powerfully rich who have the most to gain. The poor have no power.
Listen to yourselves without fear.
Ask us for help we are always here – waiting, eagerly waiting to help. You be the best you can.