Confidence will attract – sometimes lots of attraction and sometimes resentment.
Those less confident are likely to be more resentful, not always, but most have experienced resentment on the part of those less capable and aware of their lack around those who are confident. Many men feel the need to project confidence – to be a man! The only problem with this is, when the attracted gets close, the chinks, the cracks in the facade become obvious.
Real confidence does not emanate jealousy, insecurity or hostility. Real confidence has no need to criticize to feel great.
Lack of confidence causes so many issues in relationships, be it love, work, or any other.
Getting along with others can be difficult without confidence. Suspecting the worst of others or always finding fault demonstrates not much confidence. Real confidence attracts great, good people, not pretentious fawners. When it comes down to it, people are attracted to confident partners who come in all shapes and sizes. Confidence is sexy!
Now those tough boys, pretend tough boys, who swagger are rarely confident. They feel if they move or look a certain way, they will attract women. They do. But those women will soon find out that there’s no real confidence. In order for these fake fellows to feel good, someone needs to feel bad. It won't be them but those close to them, like girlfriends. Just like women, men are attracted by confidence. It is sexy, magnetic, alluring. Both sexes are attracted by confidence. Being the real deal is another thing. Feeling good about yourself is the inner guide to confidence. Long term attractions will not happen when the confidence is not real. Chronic anger, jealousy, hostility, suspicion are not the signs of a confident, balanced person.
Attraction between the sexes has always been based on the confidence you exude or not. Confident people exude a great energy that the fakers cannot project long term because it’s only a facade. “Fake it until you make it” is a common saying. Fake it while you WORK on making it. Be grateful for who you are. Explore your talents, passions and abilities, learned and unlearned. Be grateful to be you and appreciate others. That is the best way to appreciate others, to be happy to be you.
There are always things you wish you could change about yourself. That's being human. However, concentrate on the best of you, eliminate what you don't like about yourself if it involves moods or being ungenerous. “Accentuate the positive” as the old song says. Be positive, see life as a miracle, an adventure, exciting. Feel lucky to have a roof, friends, job, and a life of so many possibilities. Believe that anything is possible and anything will be. Laugh often. We love you all for trying and being the best you can be.
About a month or so ago, one of my daughters came home on a Sunday with two friends. We all sat together in the living room while I gave her friends a quick Astrology reading. Dylan was rather quiet, then sad and teary as he explained that his best friend had died. He went on to add that he missed her so much. Dylan could barely talk, so my daughter fetched the tissue. Soon, both Dylan and Stephanie were crying. Stephanie's mother had died earlier this year, so she was grieving still.
At this point, my daughter looked at me and silently mouthed, "Angel reading." I nodded and asked Dylan and Stephanie if they would like an angel reading. All I needed was a name of the deceased for each of them. Coincidence? Stephanie's Mom's name was Diane. Dylan's friend's name was Diana. As the kids (they’re in their twenties) sat together and talked, I sat at the nearby dining room table to meditate, listen, and write. Once I finished, both Diane and Diana were there near daughter and friend. Dylan began reading Diana's message and breaking down immediately. Diana had just recently died (within 2 weeks). My daughter sat, handed him tissues and held him as he cried and read. Diana, meanwhile sat on his left patting him on the shoulder, putting her spirit arm around him. Then Stephanie sat back and read her mother's message. The tears rolled down her face. Calista moved to Stephanie's side to hug her while she read. Stephanie's Mom stood behind her, hands on her shoulders. My daughter moved back and forth between them as they re-read their readings and cried. We all talked for hours and when Steph and Dyl left, they were much happier and lighter. A few days later, I received a phone call from Jo. She wanted angel readings for herself and a friend. Jo is a tall pretty, willowy blond with an easy smile. Allie was a short, curvy brunette with a moody energy. Both wanted to hear from their friend Diana. As I finished my meditation, I could see Diana laughing and excited to see the blonde, not so much with the brunette. Anyway, after they left, I discovered the blonde was Diana's sister. For the last couple of weeks, Diana has been around me urging me to call her sister Jo who lived in Ontario. So, I sat down, did an angel reading and Diana came through. I called Jo who was happy to hear from me. I told her about her sister's insistence to call. I added that Allie wasn't really a good friend of Diana's as she had led Jo to believe. Jo answered that she had recently learned that. Then I sent Jo the angel reading via email. Jo sent me a note of appreciation and Diana is happy. The people who die are usually just fine, it's the living, those left behind that suffer. Those in spirit do their best to help the living understand that death is not really death. Any time, you talk and discuss those spirits, they can hear you and show up whether you see them or not. No wonder they show up at their own funerals. All those people crying, talking and discussing the recently departed, that is a huge telegraph message. |
Maggie Yanor
Follow your heart... Archives
May 2017