Understanding and caring are two different things, both are hard to come by.
Deeply (2000)
Examples of some autistic people I've known:
A pretty, non-verbal female named Clare had a rich past life, surrounded by servants and wealth, she became a power unto herself. When a servant was slow to anticipate her needs, Clare slapped, beat and generally harassed those working for her. In this life, she lived in a group home, her father left Alberta and her mother moved to the U.S. When Clare got angry (which was often), she would mutter, growl, spit dropping from her mouth and finally bite her own right arm. There was a constant red semi-circle of teeth marks on that arm. Clare attended a drop in centre for disabled adults where I worked.
Tall, dark haired eighteen year old Adam rode my bus. His strong past life showed him to be the boss or owner of a gray office with men in faded dark suits sitting at desks. He walked the aisles, berating and criticizing his staff to work faster, better, just like Scrooge! Adam went to a special high school and rode my bus. He yelled at the other children, told them what to do and gave me advice about driving, told me he should get home before the others, usually every day. He wanted a girlfriend but yelled often that he didn’t care about anyone. He would push other kids aside in his constant hurry, sometimes knocking them down and never looking back. He was soon moved to a group home. His mother was a very soft spoken woman who could not stop his temper tantrums on her or Adam's sister.
Julian, a tall, nice looking eighteen year old, talked to himself more than anyone else, and needed to sit alone. His past life appeared to me as a handsome, arrogant, heartless South American plantation owner. People were punished more than helped. The poor received no compassion from him. Those equal in his eyes to his status and wealth did well with him. In this life he lived at home where his dislike of others, and talent for giving orders made him no friends. Average noise could cause him to yell “Be Quiet” or “Shut up”. He was controlled now. At the beginning, Julian had to apologize a lot for his outbursts. Many autistic people have a real sensitivity to sound. It's magnified.
Simon, a non-verbal twenty four year old, visited the drop in centre a few times a week. All the adults were assigned to staff in specific rooms. Simon would wander around, and someone was always looking for him to lead him back. His rich past life made him isolate himself more and more. It reminded me of Howard Hughes minus the long nails and urine obsession. Now he was in a group home, sensitive to loud noises, including conversations. Somehow, he would find me in the building and hover close by. I had a few conversations with him. He never looked at me but stayed to listen.
Then there was Bill. Bill had a past life as a mercenary, killing for money with nary a thought whether his actions were ethical or not. Bill would never look at my face when I had to stop his outbursts with the other bus children, but would sometimes repeat what I said. Now, he lived with his parents and three older brothers. Sometimes, it sounded as if he was having a conversation with another eleven year old. No, he talked to himself and his invisible company.
“Don't you trust me?”
“When have I let you down?”
“Follow me. Just do it!”
I asked his mother if he watches a lot of action or violent movies. She nodded and I suggested his outbursts could be triggered by them.
Tom, now twenty-one, had a past life as a gunslinger, shooting and killing indiscriminately. His father in this life, had been a victim of Tom's past life. Tom was beaten a lot until he was placed in a group home. Dad left the city and Mom visited once a month. Tom talked constantly of westerns and writing a book. He had trouble getting along with his house mates. Little things irritated him and his lack of compassion and concern was a daily issue.
Little four year old Nathan could not talk but he could hear quite well. He was going to pre-school to help him learn and say sounds and words. Saw two past lives in close sequence. One, Nathan lived in a rainy, grimy, dark city. He stayed to himself, limited his conversations when he went out, responding always in a grumpy assed way. Nathan wanted to be left alone. The second life I saw, Nathan was born deaf. His parents took him to a monastery as a young child. The monks took him in and raised him. Now Nathan needed to relearn how to speak. He seemed to be verbally dyslexic. I met other people who were deaf and saw past lives where they gave advice and listened to no one.