When I was a family support worker, I met with clients, social workers, supervisors, doctors, psychologists, lawyers etc. Any meeting involving clients and any of the above meant I walked in there prepared. So often there were five or more individuals around a table or a board room. Before I entered the room, I had done my yoga, a qi-jong exercise and an angel reading. When I walked in, I would light the room and send love to everyone there.
When I sent love to those who were not operating from their hearts but their egos, they acted up. I saw a few social workers jump up, bang the table, yell, go from professional to freaking out. This was all done in front of their supervisors. There were a lot of surprised reactions. I remained calm and spoke from my heart. It was easy for me since I was sending love. What was I going to get back? Every bit of support I needed was there from my boss. I can imagine those who freaked out and were seen by their bosses were not in the same position I was.
Thinking is so important. However, what you think about really counts. If you are constantly worried, guess what happens to you? Your worst fears come true. Stop. Change your thinking. Have dreams, think about the best outcome. Don't think you are tempting fate to think POSITIVELY. You will make your own life way more fun, better with the less fear you have.
When you feel scared, change your thinking to make yourself happy. What makes you feel happy, joyful, excited, thrilled? Do it. Paint, dance, cook, sing, sew, build etc. Your thoughts will change and you will become more creative. Being more creative, leads to being more creative as you feel happy, excited etc. There is no room for the negative.
Astrologically, some people seem more prone to seeing what is wrong. Sometimes they never get to appreciating what is right and great. Misery loves company. That is so true. Do you enjoy hanging around those who love to complain? It’s easy to get sucked in, to join the bitching. This is different from seeing what is wrong and fixing it. Often lots of conversations with yourself or others can be a big help. Chronic complaining is so different. The complainer develops a negative energy. I can feel it, you can feel it. Often the body posture is not straight, slightly stooped.
Who enjoys visiting such a person? Daily? Working with people who are resentful, angry, hostile, critical, depressed or constantly sad is a chore. Having to visit someone like this would have me “gird my loins” to prepare for such a visit. So, I do my best not to be around people like this too often.
The energy we project out to the world tells the world about us. What we think about most, shows. Mark Twain said something like what a man is like on the inside will show on the outside by the time he is forty. This goes for a woman too.
Good looks will only look good for so long. I have seen, beautiful women with hard hearts, angry, judgmental or arrogant look terrific at 25, but by the time 40 hits, they don't look so appealing. The hardness shows. They look arrogant and judgmental. They can still be attractive, but a lot less so now, the hardness deters me from wanting any interaction.
Several years ago, I did angel readings for a spring festival at a spa in Edmonton. There was music, twins in stilts, food, candles and Christmas lights everywhere. People were talking, laughing and moving, swaying to the music. I did so many readings in the relative darkness, that my right hand become quite tired. I did back to back readings for about six hours. I felt joyful, happy, and I loved it. Of all the women I did readings for that night, two of them stand out. Both of them were in their fifties, but they glowed. These gals emanated goodness, compassion and kindness. Their energy almost brought me to tears while I was writing down the words the angels whispered in my ears.
When I drove a school bus, I would hear the same drivers complain on the radio. The same ones had problems all the time, with angry students, parents or other drivers. Once in a while is expected, but daily? What I project to the world, I get back. I understand that. If would be so helpful if everyone knew that.