Friends and I visited a Heritage site outside of Edmonton. There had been reports of hauntings. As we walked around the transplanted houses for this village, my friends would hurry to each house, open the door and wait for me to go first. In the old hotel, I saw a male spirit staring out his hotel window looking for his lady friend to show up. In another house, I saw a woman in a dark patterned wool dress with a tight ruffled collar standing in a parlor crying. Her parents married her off to an abusive spouse. Here she was, years later, dead and stuck in her house. In the old barns, I smelled and heard horses, whinnying and snorting. There were no living horses in that barn at all then. In another homestead house, I saw children moving around. My granddaughter pointed out a spirit cat running around the children.
The first school in Edmonton, McKay School, has spirits too. A principal in a mustard suit and bow tie, stands at the top of the stairs on the second floor. My granddaughter felt someone touch the top of her head and I saw this principal do it. On the top floor, the old senate used to meet before the parliament building was erected. I sat near the window on this floor, three men approached me requesting I contact their wives. I laughed and explained that their wives were as dead as they were. The men dressed in old looking suits, and appeared to be from around 1920.
In the parliament building itself, I heard two men plotting the death of another member. Their victim sported a dark handlebar mustache. He was actually quite handsome. In the senate, I could smell manure and hay, very strongly, no one else with me could smell anything. I did hear later that a lot of representatives came from rural areas, many farmers.
A woman called me because she felt her house was was haunted, she had seen shadows and shadow movements. A former female resident of the house had committed suicide only three years before. Doing my walk around the house, I saw a female near the upstairs bathroom. She hissed, “What are you doing in my house? Get out!” I continued my walk only to see her again in the basement where she repeated herself. I told her it was not her house anymore since she had killed herself. She was afraid to move on. Although Betsy had not been a religious person, she still feared hell. So many spirits are stuck because of “hell”. Anyway, I helped Betsy leave, although she was very reluctant and needed a little persuasion.